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We seek to understand community values and aspirations and reflect these in our plans. We have engaged directly with more than 500 people through door knocks, community information sessions and recent surveys of locals across Neutral Bay in 2022.


Prior to lodging our Planning Proposal, we undertook a review of North Sydney Council’s engagement on the renewal of Military Road, we used this data to inform our Planning Proposal.


of participants said attractive public spaces was the most important consideration for future development.


of participants said outdoor plazas off Military Road would make Neutral Bay a more active and attractive town centre.


of participants said more outdoor dining, cafes, and restaurants would be important in Neutral Bay.

Military Road Corridor Planning Study - community survey: 26 July - 22 August 2018.

How we addressed this in our proposal


More than half (61%) of community respondents in Council’s engagement said improving outdoor plazas would make Neutral Bay a more attractive place.

A landscaped outdoor seating area and more opportunities for locals to eat, shop and socialise in one place. The pedestrian link will also activate the side streets – inviting the public into the new space from all directions. Plans will foster a place for gathering and provide public amenity the community deserve.

Feedback gathered in Council’s engagement shows that the community highly values the existing village atmosphere of Neutral Bay, with restaurants and cafes marked by the community as the most popular places to socialise.

By creating a community-centric shopping experience, the plans intend to create a much-needed expansion of retail opportunities to support population growth in Neutral Bay. Woolworths will be consulting with the community to enhance specific ranges, which has been done in other communities with success.

Place making and outdoor activation

Close to half (45%) of community respondents in Council’s engagement would also like to see more community events in the area.

The proposed plaza, close to public transport but set back from Military Road, could be used for such events. Neutral Bay residents would enjoy a new, flexible community space that will also be used for seasonal community events, markets, outdoor activation and performances


Providing car parking off Military Road

Almost half (44%) of community respondents in Council’s engagement raised parking as an issue despite there being four public parking garages in the area. Comments Council received noted more parking available under the supermarket while on-street parking adds to congestion.

Our plans include around 200 more community parking spaces located underground, with additional parking for residents to be determined through the planning process. The new community car spaces will support customers shopping at Woolworths and the new specialty stores, and benefit existing shops and services on and around Military Road.

Enhances the character of Neutral Bay

Feedback captured demonstrated the community highly value the existing village atmosphere of Neutral Bay. It was noted all new development should enhance what the community already love.


Award-winning Koichi Takada Architects has worked with the project team to design a master plan that carefully integrates and enhances the context of the broader neighbourhood by considering the existing residential buildings on Yeo Street and Rangers Road. Landscaping is included to create a green buffer set back from Rangers Road.


The design ensures the new buildings include generous setbacks from existing properties and the height steps down to six storeys toward the residential neighbours.

Improves walkability and pedestrian access

More than 70% of community respondents in Council’s engagement identified the laneway network in and around Grosvenor Lane, Grosvenor Street and Young Street as their favourite areas in Neutral Bay. More laneway activation was also marked as a priority.



A public domain with retail activation and pedestrian connectivity from Rangers Road to Yeo Street is a focus in Woolworths plans. The proposal will encourage pedestrian access through the area – and strengthen the connections from Military Road to the surrounding residential areas to encourage walkability throughout the neighbourhood.

Following consultation in August, where we heard the height was an issue for the community, we reduced the height with no changes to the community benefit, read more on our amended proposal here.

Amended - proposed design:

Artist's impression

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